Category: Musings

  • speaking too soon

    So, after feeling as if I might manage to get on with some things, that went by the way over the last few months. It has been very difficult to get out of the mental block that has come upon me and now that I am feeling a bit more hopefully – after having my…

  • who thought a pandemic wouldn’t be conducive to getting on with stuff?

    Well, welcome to 2021. I can’t say that I am sorry to see the back of 2020 but, despite being once more in a national lockdown, things are looking a tiny bit more positive as the vaccine begins its roll out. I did indeed start the IGHS course and submitted my first assignment back in…

  • normans and vikings and knights, oh my!

    I have updated all the data on the TNG site [click on Family Tree in the sidebar] and added  PDFs of wills for download. All wills are attached to the relevant people in the database but are also available at a single click from the Documents link on the menu bar. I am currently transcribing…

  • let’s not jump to conclusions

    It is easy, when researching your family history, to make assumptions that take the research down utterly incorrect turnings. I imagine that everyone has been guilty of this – in the rush of discovery it is easy to get carried away. It is also easy to be stymied by someone else’s assumptions when they are…

  • the plot thickens

    I have been searching for a death certificate for Susan Bond [ne Aldridge] for a while as I know that she was alive for the census of 1891 and that her husband, George Jannion Bond Senior, remarried in January 1900, when he was apparently a widower. George died six months later and an inquest was…

  • who knows where the time goes?

    Sadly, I did not make it to the Surrey Archives so Thomas Varney’s inquest report remains unseen. I am now thinking that it may be better to have them look it out for me instead. The nominal charge they make is less than it would cost for me to go there myself. Hopefully, when I…


    i put my family tree on Genes Reunited before I even began doing this in earnest, and have been in contact with several people who are related to me via various ancestors, mainly on Dad’s side of the family. One of them, Sylvia, who is related through the Nodings, has sent me a selection of…

  • oh and another thing about mistakes on certificates

    I now know why Kenny Delaney thought Ellen Enwright’s name was spelt Anright - it is spelt that way on Daniel Delany’s birth certificate. The other thing that has me a bit confused is there the Edward in Daniel Edward Delany came from as it is not on his birth certificate but he does use it…

  • good point

    Regarding my last post, my friend Sal just pointed out that paviour and tailor sound an awful lot alike.

  • once again the waters are muddied

    So, today the batch of certificate I ordered three weeks ago arrived and they contain one of those entries that makes me want to throw things! On Sarah Dempsey and Daniel Delaney’s marriage certificate, Sarah’s father is listed as a tailor. Now, on every other piece of documentation I have gatheed together he is down…