teasing out the facts

So, after cobbling various long-unremembered memories together, one false lead and a certain amount of detective work, Nanny B’s family turned up on the 1901 census living in Yardley Street in Finsbury, just across Farringdon Road from Exmouth Market. At this point there was George and his wife Frances and their son George living alongside Fanny’s brother Arthur Besch. Finally the Besch connection becomes clear!

A bit of searching through the BMD index turns up Fanny’s parents as being Frederick Besch and Fanny Mary Bryant, along with various sundry siblings. So, it turns out that not only do Dad’s side of the family hail from that side of the Thames, but so do Mum’s!

Stll waiting for Nanny Bs birth certificate and Nanny D’s parent’s marrage certificate to come through. There appears to be a back-log at the GRO. Hopefully it’ll get sorted soon.

Also, having updated the family tree on genesreunited.co.uk, I did a search for Besch and turned up someone called Patricia who has Fanny and her parents on her tree as well! I have sent a message. Uncanny!







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