Category: Information
mary ann bolton’s case notes
Today I collected the scans made by the LMA of the two main pages of case notes for Mary Ann Bolton while she was in the Colney Hatch Insane Asylum. These include a photograph of her taken at the time of admittance and also give various pieces of information about her, including the fact that…
watermen apprentice entries
The other week I managed to get down to the Guildhall to make copies of the apprentice records for the Haleys and Warners. The scans are here although the quality of the copies is not fantastic in some cases but hopefully they can be read them well enough. Charles Lloyd Warner Charles Warner [Charles Lloyd…
trying to make it clearer
I have added four ancestor outline pages for eacxh branch of the family, Within these are links to the certificate and documents relating to each person. I know it is hard to visualise the relationships so, hopefully, this will make it a bit clearer as to how each individual relates to the others within the…
our dickensian ancestors
Today was a productive day spent at the LMA. I was on the trail of the Bolton Great Great Grandparents having located the various documents relating to their deaths. The coroner’s inquest into the death of John Henry Bolton was held on 22nd December 1894 at St Giles and the papers are currently housed at…
not quite brave enough to pull ivy off headstones!
Had a couple of weeks off which I used to do some research and then spent a week doing things other than family history! Who would have thought it, eh? A few things I did do, however, were to make copies of the Watermen and Lightermen records for the Warners and Haleys, order a bunch…
I have uploaded some more certificates, includng several death certificates for James Joseph Haley, Emily Jane [Moulding] Haley, James Mirrielees Joseph Haley, George Henry Bolton, John Besch and Fanny Mary [Bryant] Besch. I have also uploaded John Henry Bolton’s birth entry in the St Andrew’s Holborn parish register and the Besch Baptisms I wrote about…
finding documentation of a link
So, in London during the 19th Century there were two families called Besch who were tailors. I have held a firm belief that the two older members, John Besch [who is Lilian bond’s Grandfather] and Frederick Besch, were brothers but have been unable to find their baptism records so far although, according to the census,…
Warners and Artletts
So some news regarding both the Artlett and Warner branches of the family. I had a message via GR from someone who said that Emily Caroline Artlett was in her tree and that she was the daughter of James Artlett, a bricklayer, and Charlotte Quait and was born in 1814 in Broadwater. This contradicts her…
mystery solved
The birth certificate for Henry Aldridge, son of Robert and Susan, arrived today and I now know that Susan’s maiden name was Griffith. So Susan Griffith of Withycombe, Somerset married Robert Aldridge at the end of the 1820s. I have no idea where, but shall start by trawling through the parish records for the churches…
oh and another thing about mistakes on certificates
I now know why Kenny Delaney thought Ellen Enwright’s name was spelt Anright -Â it is spelt that way on Daniel Delany’s birth certificate. The other thing that has me a bit confused is there the Edward in Daniel Edward Delany came from as it is not on his birth certificate but he does use it…